вторник, 23 ноября 2010 г.

How to set up Eclipse to work with Github?

Firstly you need to install msysgit, after installing you need to open Git Bash and enter there these commands:

$ git config --global user.name "Gennadiy Zlobin" (your name)
$ git config --global user.email gennad.zlobin@gmail.com (your email)
$ ssh-keygen -C "gennad.zlobin@gmail.com" -t rsa (your email)

Now your generated keys are in C:\Users\username\.ssh (in Windows 7).
Next you load the content of your public key to your project on Github
In Eclipse open Window->Preferences->General->Network->SSH2 and set your ~/.ssh as SSH Home
After that go to Key Management tab and Load existing Key - set here your private key in ~/.ssh
After that you can push your project to Github (I used ssh protocol)

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